I'm an 18 year old guy who has been struggling to get his academic performance on the right track. It's not that I'm bad in studies but me and Math just don't get along too well. This has made life difficult for me especially with my Math teacher who goes by the name of Rajesh.
Rajesh is a 48 year old man who is our Math teacher in school and he ain't too fond of me. It's almost as if he has a bone to pick with me. Seeing how he's my teacher, he's supposed to help me improve and yet he does the opposite. He's abusive and demotivating and this makes me hate the subject as much as it makes me hate him.
My family consist of 3 members my father, my mother and me. My father is 50 years old and he runs a family business. My mom is a 46 years old housewife but trust me, she don't look that old at all. She used to work in a company which she quit 2 years ago. Her assets aren't too appealing or anything however, she's pretty I mean really pretty.
My parents have been very concerned about my academic performance lately. Having told them about Rajesh, they seem even more worried now than ever knowing that he could fail me and that would be catastrophic for my future.
Being a business man, my father has to leave our city at least thrice a month. Each time he went, me and mom would be alone at home for 2 to 3 days.
I had an upcoming test and I knew I was going to fail in Math. As expected, I did well in every other subject but I failed in Math. Rajesh told me how hopeless I was and that he's had enough and wanted me to bring my parents to school. Shaming me in class wasn't enough for him. Now he wanted to demoralize me in front of my parents.
As I got back to our home, I told my mom of the test result and of the parent-teacher meeting. She realized that my father was about to go out of station and that she would have to attend the meeting all by herself. She knew dad wouldn't be too happy to know that I failed and hence told me to remain quiet on this matter.
Three days later, it was time for the meeting. Dad was out of town and I told mom to get ready for the confrontation. Both of us were nervous on our way to school. It was an off day so there were no other students. We waited outside Rajesh's office for a while after which we were summoned.
This was the first time Rajesh had laid his eyes on my mom and I could tell he was mesmerized by her beauty. From the moment she entered his office room until he asked her to take a seat, all he did was stare at her from the top to bottom.
Initially, his plan was to nag about how pathetic I was but instead he told her how much potential I had which was left unused and that I could come first in class with the right kind of guidance.
I was flabbergasted! This was the last thing I could possibly expect him to say. He would also make unnecessary comments asking her where we live, how beautiful she was and how much he liked me as a student pfft. Rajesh suggested her that I should go to his apartment every 2 days a week for Math tuition.
Considering what I had prepared myself for, this was a complete 360 degree turn. After 20 mins of talk, he offered her a hand shake with a smile to which she obliged. Throughout the conversation he didn't bother to look at me even once and was thoroughly focused on her the entire time.
As we were leaving mom told me how gentle and polite Rajesh was and that I have been making him look like the bad guy all this time. WTF?! What just happened? This isn't the Rajesh I expected to see and this wasn't the parent-teacher meeting I was so afraid of unless...
Upon reaching home, mom and I had a conversation regarding the tuition classes Rajesh had suggested. She was now convinced that Rajesh could actually help me "untap my potential" if I took classes from him and she wasn't taking a no from me.
I couldn't sleep that night thinking of what had just happened. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why Rajesh's behavior had suddenly changed and why he didn't make a fool out of me that day. But I wasn't certain and needed more evidence. Didn't think much of it and rubbed it off I did.
Next day onwards, Rajesh acted normally in school but this time he didn't pick on me anymore. I was shocked! Before ending the class, he told me that he's looking forward to seeing me tomorrow for the tuition.
Next day, my dad had come back and I was ready for the class. I went to his apartment and knocked on the door. He greeted me inside and we got started with the class. Rajesh used to live alone in his apartment. He was a divorced man with no child hence he took to teaching to spend his time.
He was being polite and every now and then he would enquire about my family, especially about my mother. He kept asking about things like how long were my parents married for, what did my father do for a living and the things my mom liked.
This got me irritated but now it was clear to me. This change in him was definitely brought about by my mom. He was interested in her and I could see why. She is pretty and this dude has been living alone so it's no wonder he changed his approach. Two hours would pass and I took my leave and headed home.
Upon reaching my home, my parents asked me how was my first class with Rajesh and it was really weird for me to admit that it wasn't half bad. My mother had told my dad about the meeting and the tuition class and my father was really happy to see me doing something for a change.
Two days later, I went for my second class with Rajesh in his apartment. Things went smoothly and for the first time in my life I started liking Math as a subject. He was a good teacher, a prick yes, but a good teacher nonetheless. Just as I was about to leave, he told me that he sees a bright future for me and he would like to discuss about my career with my mother.
I told him that my father was back and I could bring him instead as he would be delighted to meet with Rajesh. But Rajesh insisted that I should bring my mother only as he knows her and would like to advice her with a few things about me.
He also assured that the next time I should bring my dad and he would love to speak with him as well. I knew something was fishy, why would he ask me to bring my mom alone? I left his apartment and while heading back, all I could think was what plans he might have for my mother.
One half of me was really pissed and thought of bringing my dad instead. However, the other half of me was getting really aroused by the thought of him dominating my pretty mom as he would dominate me throughout the last year in school.
That was the first time I fantasized about my own mother remembering the day Rajesh first saw her and how he just kept analyzing her body with his lustful eyes. I couldn't believe how much of a perv I had become and now I was considering the option to take my mom to his apartment.
The next two days passed pretty quickly and finally my dirty mind got the better of me as I told my mother to visit Rajesh with me to his apartment as he wanted to speak to her regarding my future.
Mom was surprised to hear that as it had only been two classes with him and he wants to see her again. She asked if we should take dad with us but I told her that he wanted to see her alone. This puzzled her and she started worrying if Rajesh was disappointed in me.
She finished all her chores and started dressing up. I was waiting for her outside the house. As she stepped out, I was stunned to see how beautiful she looked in a pink saree. Her clothing wasn't revealing at all and yet I had butterflies in my stomach. I should be getting mad but I was getting tuned on more and more.
On our way to Rajesh's place, I would keep looking at mom's face from time to time to predict what was gonna happen tonight. My body was literally shaking with anticipation and excitement which showed its sign with a bulge in my pants. What if he did something inappropriate with her and what would be expected of me then?
We reached his apartment and knocked on the door. Rajesh opened the door and greeted us in. For the first few minutes, he couldn't take his eyes off of my mother. He was gawking at her wildly and that made my mom uncomfortable. He then offered us to be seated and wait while he would get some coffee.
Mom and I were sitting next to each other and he came back with the coffee and sat across facing us. He started the conversation with mom and once again I could see that he was totally ignoring me. He was being polite as he fixed his gaze upon mom. Apparently, I was the only one who had his coffee cup empty rather quickly.
He was talking about how much of a good student I could be f I put some effort into my studies blah blah. Every parent loves to hear how talented their child is and mom was no different. She kept nodding in approval.
After 15 mins of talking, Rajesh got off his seat and brought me some books from his collection. He told me to solve a few problems while he would discuss what would be best for my future with my mom in the adjacent room. I knew mom wouldn't agree and would tell him to do the discussing there itself but to my surprise she looked at me, smiled and got off her seat as well.
Rajesh's sweet talks had played its part and she was now playing right into his trap. I couldn't believe my eyes. My sweet and devoted mother was now going to be in a room with a different man in my absence? Maybe she didn't think too much of it but how could she just walk away with him like that?
Rajesh could've spoken to her in the dinning hall where we were seated but he took her to his study room which was rather cramped up. The room was small and had a curtain with no door. As she went inside, he looked at me and pulled the curtain to break my line of sight.
I desperately wanted to see what was going on inside so I left the seat and took my bottle with me so as give an excuse of refilling my bottle in case I was caught spying on them.
I moved close to the room and started peeking through the curtain. The room had a small study table with two chairs on the same side. Both he and my mom were seated with a distance of 3 feet facing the opposite side of the curtain. This made watching them really easy.
He was drawing something on a piece of paper telling her of the multiple career options I could take in future. Mom was being very attentive and was watching his drawing carefully. Once he had finished drawing, he put the page forward on the bench to explain what he had made while pulling his chair closer to her.
Now they were sitting right next to each other. I could tell mom wasn't very comfortable sitting so close to this man but she wanted to see the options he had drawn in order to get a proper understanding of what path would be best for me and my future.
He was telling her that I should put all my attention into Math and Science so that I could pursue engineering courses which could get me a descent paying job. As he was advising her, he took a break and looked at her face and asked "Is that the smell of Jasmine?"
Mom answered with a yes. He was close enough to be able to smell her perfume. He complimented her with "wow! you smell as good as you look!". He further added "It's been a while since I smelled that perfume on a woman. You see I've been divorced for the last 6 years. I miss my ex wife hence I keep myself busy with studies to stop feeling so lonely."
Mom felt pity on him and offered her condolences. He took this as a sign of approval and placed his left hand on her lap. Mom didn't know what to do. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but at the same time, she didn't want him to get too comfy with her either. She let his hand rest on her lap for the time being.
She asked him why did they part ways to which he replied "She cheated on me time and time again. I kept loving someone who never really loved me back." Mom was in shock and she put her right hand on his left shoulder as to show a sign of sympathy & support.
This made him bold and he started to squeeze her lap gently. As they were facing the other way, I couldn't tell what her reaction was although she didn't remove his hand or ask him to do so. He kept it going for a while explaining her the things he had drawn.
After a while, I noticed that his hand was now dangerously close to her private part. He was squeezing the inside of her right thigh and yet both acted as if nothing was going on between them.
As his fingers tried to reach for her clit, she immediately pushed his hand away. He got up and asked her to wait as he started heading towards the door. I tip toed my way to the couch and pretend to be solving the problems.
I could see him filling two glasses of water and on his way back, he looked at me with a smile and I smiled back. I could tell that he was up to something and his sadistic smile gave it away.
Once I saw him going in and pulling the curtain, I rushed to the door and began peeking. He put the glasses on the table and this time he pulled his chair right next to her as he took his seat.
He was now telling his life story and while keeping her engaged in the conversation, he casually let his left hand rest on her left shoulder. I was expecting mom to abruptly remove his hand but she didn't. He cracked a few jokes in between to lighten things up. Mom was smiling on his jokes and he was in control.
After a while, his left hand started to rub her shoulder while he put his right hand on her right lap. Within a few minutes I could see that his right hand was now moving up & down on her thigh while his left hand had moved to her upper arm region just around her boobs.
It was obvious to me that Rajesh was seducing my mother but what surprised me the most was her little resistance or lack of it. She was going with the flow and responding to his intimate touching with smiles and giggles. It would seem that Rajesh's story along with his jokes had worked as he had intended and he was having a good time now.
Keeping the conversation going, his fingers would try to reach out for my mom's breast but finally she showed some decency and lift her left arm to prevent him from doing so. With a couple of failed attempts, Rajesh grew impatient and tried to extend his entire hand in order to cup her boob but she got off her seat and excused herself.
Seeing this I once again ran towards my books and acted as if I knew nothing. She came out of the room, checked on me and headed towards the washroom. I had a feeling she had enough of Rajesh's advances and she would leave with me once she came out.
After taking care of her business, she came near me and asked me if I was doing alright and if I needed Rajesh's help with anything. I hadn't even started solving the problems yet but she didn't know that of course. So I said "No don't worry I can solve these on my own."
She kissed me on the forehead and walked towards Rajesh's room. I stopped her on her way asking "How long will you take? I'm getting hungry! Isn't Rajesh done with what he wanted to show you?"
"I'll be back soon" she replied with a smile and walked right in. This time SHE pulled the curtain as she walked inside and I sneaked my way to the spot next to the door. Rajesh was seated and was writing something. Mom went near the chair and took her seat which was right next to Rajesh's chair. "Ohh you're back! Great! let's continue" he exclaimed.
This time he started discussing with her about my career again and within a few minutes he boldly placed his left hand on her waist. This caught me off guard and I didn't expect this coming. Mom however remained quiet and paid attention to what he was saying.
It didn't take long for his hand to reach the side of her belly. Since mom was wearing a saree, his hand was now in touch with her flesh and he took a hand full of her flesh. I could clearly see him grabbing her skin and pressing it and I could tell mom was enjoying it too.
Meanwhile, his right hand was now moving to and fro on her forearm. My mother seemed to have surrendered her body to this prick of a teacher. Instead of getting infuriated, she was getting aroused by his touch. They looked like a teenage couple trying to build up some heat before going all out.
I knew if left undisturbed, this son of a b might end up screwing my mom and I wasn't too keen on letting that happen especially after what he put me through the last few months.
As I was thinking of a plan to get them apart, Rajesh suddenly grabbed mom's wrist which he was massaging for a while and placed it on his thigh. He also squeezed the side of her exposed belly and mom responded with an "Ouch!". Right away Rajesh whispered something into her ear and I could see her giggling.
I thought of calling my father in order to break their session but I was getting aroused every moment and wanted to see what was next. With my phone in hand, I could have easily dialed dad's number but the pervert inside me had awakened and I just couldn't follow through. This perv in me wanted to see if this prick could actually have his way with my pretty mom and the humiliation and excitement had reached a new peak inside me.
I just couldn't believe what had happened to me. I was one click away from doing the right thing and yet it was as if my hands were tied by this strange desire to watch what was about to unfold.
This ass of teacher who had been abusing and demoralizing me for weeks was now planning to defile my own mother but instead of wrecking his plan, I was now awarding his rudeness with a prize so great. Part of me wanted to interrupt them while the other part of me actually wanted to see him take her.
I broke out of my trance when I heard a soft moan from the inside. With what I saw, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I immediately dropped my shorts down and started stroking my dick there itself.
His mode of conversation had changed from talk to whisper and I saw him wrap his lips around mom's earlobe. Also, I could no longer see the back of his left hand anymore. It was obvious to me that his hand had reached her navel and his fingers were probably playing with my mom's belly button now.
In a matter of minutes, half of mom's right ear was inside his mouth now while his right hand reached for the other side of her bare belly. I could see that Rajesh's eyes were closed and they were chatting no more. Rajesh had started getting intimate with my mommy as she wasn't resisting any longer.
I saw the palm of his right hand pressing the right side of her bare belly for a while and finally it started to move upwards. It was now or never, if I let Rajesh feel my mother's breast, I knew he wouldn't stop there. Knowing how stubborn he was, if his hand reached her boobs, his cock would definitely reach into her pussy. I had to stop them ASAP!
I pulled my pant up, moved away from the door and called for my mom. I had to bring her back to her senses before it was too late. I called for her three times but she didn't respond so I called out my teacher instead.
I kept calling them for 3 minutes while being seated on the sofa. With no response from either, I was about to head towards their room when Rajesh answered my call saying "your mother and I are talking about something important regarding your future. I'll attend to you within 10 mins. Have your answers ready by then!"
I was pissed after hearing that! I had to wait 3 minutes just so I could hear that? I left the couch and headed towards the door to take a peek and I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I was too late. Those three minutes were more than enough for Rajesh. It's no wonder mom didn't respond to my calls.
Mom with her eyes shut had raised her head towards the ceiling as Rajesh was smooching and licking all over her neck! Not only that, his right hand had reached its destination and he had cupped her right tit. With his eyes shut, he began to press her boob while kissing her neck wildly while mom's soft moans were getting louder.

His left hand stopped playing with her navel and reached her back. Having dropped her pallu he kept brushing the palm of his hand on her bare upper back for a few minutes and then he started trying to unhook her blouse. My mommy wasn't putting up a fight at all. Temptation had taken over and Rajesh's sweet talks had turned her into his plaything now.

Within a matter of few seconds. Rajesh had unhooked the straps of her blouse and gently pulled it over her shoulders. My mom was now in her black bra in front of this stranger!

Rajesh was in awe. He took a moment to observe the beauty of what was hanging before his eyes. Apparently the clothing was too much for him and he started to unhook her bra almost immediately. Before my mother could realize, he had unhooked her bra.

Her medium sized boobs were on display right in front of his eyes now! Alas, I couldn't see them as she was facing the opposite direction. Mom tried to cover her nipples with her hand but this only made him more anxious. Her mangoes were ripe and he was ready.

He stood up and gently picked her off her seat. He then sat on his chair and pulled her down on his lap. Mom was now siting on his lap facing forward away from him. He removed her hands and started groping her tities with both his hands.

With his hands full of her mangoes, he was licking all over her cloth less back and mom was now moaning heavily. Mom put her hands over his as an act of encouragement. She was out of control and wanted him to ruin her.
I didn't know what to do at this point. The sight of them making love like that had turned me on like never before. No amount of porn could give me this level of ecstasy. The excitement and anticipation had enslaved me and despite knowing how much of a prick Rajesh was I just couldn't bring myself to interrupt them.
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I convinced myself of having made the right call by telling myself that I won't stop him as long as he doesn't penetrate my mom. I was enjoying the show far too much to put an end to it.

He kept squeezing her boobs from the back for 5 mins and then repositioned her. Mom was now facing him on his lap. I carefully moved my head away in order to stay hidden.
This was the first time that I got to lay my eyes on her breasts and I could see what drove Rajesh mad. Her nipples were brown but her boobs were of the perfect size. A little saggy but beautiful nonetheless.
He initially planted his face between her breasts and then started sucking on her nipples. Mom's face was facing the ceiling, her mouth open and eyes closed. She was enjoying every moment of it.
Rajesh started rocking her up & down as he was face-fucking her breasts. He kept sucking on her tities for quite a while and then turned his attention along with his face down to her navel. He was now licking and smooching her belly.
With each kiss he lay on her body, mom would respond with a seductive moan that got both of us aroused. Having tasted her navel and breasts, it was time to climb to the next level. Rajesh started kissing the upper part of her chest and moved towards her neck.
Once again, he was now kissing all over her neck region. He even took a moment to lay a soft bite on her neck. I could see the the "love bite" he had made on her neck and even on her navel.
As his lips reached her chin, I started jacking my dick harder and harder. He kept biting on her chin for a few seconds and then moved upwards. His lips finally reached my mom's and they began kissing with passion.
He kissed her lips for a while and then tried inserting his tongue but was met with mom's locked teeth. She wasn't letting his tongue reach hers but it wasn't because she was resisting oh no, she was simply teasing him at this point.
His fingers reached for her nipple and he gave it a soft pinch. This got her to open her mouth and he didn't waste any time and inserted his tongue right inside. As his tongue reached hers, I realized that Rajesh was really a pro player with the ladies. From being flirty to being seductive, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Their tongues made contact for a good 10 minutes and then Rajesh realized that mom was moaning too loud at this point and they couldn't continue with me outside. He mounted her off of him and whispered something in her ear. He then helped her put on her blouse and adjust her pallu. I wasn't sure what they were up to so I moved back to the couch.
I finally saw them exit the room after a long 40 minutes. Mom's hair was a mess and they were sweating like crazy. I asked her if she was okay? She nodded her head with a smile. She took a seat on the couch followed by Rajesh, who this time sat right next to her.
I had a feeling I knew what was coming and I had made up mind this time. No matter what he tells me, I was not letting him penetrate my mother! There's absolutely no way I'd allow him of all people to take my mommy after what he had put me through.
As expected, Rajesh told me that they were getting hungry and that I should go outside and get some hotdogs from a store nearby while he and mom would discuss further. I knew exactly what he wanted to discuss about so I looked at mom and expected her to disregard his request but she was looking down and didn't utter a word.
I was done being dominated by this prick and rejected to do what he asked of me. Rajesh wasn't happy with this. After a bit of an argument, he told me "listen boy, you need to learn some manners and do what you're told!" As he was getting aggressive, mom got a little worried and told him to drop the idea and that we should get going.
It was about time mom came back to her senses. Just as mom and I were about to leave, Rajesh caught her hand and exclaimed "you and I aren't done talking. We need to act now else your son may come to regret it." This caught her off guard and she started worrying even more.
Now it was mom who was telling me to go get something to eat and Rajesh insisted that the store was close by and that it wouldn't take any longer than 10 mins to grab some hotdogs. Although I didn't want to but Rajesh's aggression and mom's concern left me with no other options.
I knew things could get messy so I snuck up to take a spare key to the door as I was leaving. The moment I stepped out, Rajesh shut the door with a smirk on his face.
I immediately sprinted my way to the store and bought a few hotdogs for the three of us. Just as I reached the store, it stated to rain! The store wasn't too far away but I wasn't taking any chances and rushed back to his house only to find that the main door was locked. "I knew it!" I said to myself and used the spare key I had taken to unlock and went right in.
There was no sight of them. The room with the couch was empty and so was his kitchen and the small room where they had been earlier. There was just one more room to look for, his bedroom.
Without wasting any time, I headed towards his bedroom only to find it locked as well. It was locked from the inside and I had no key to open it so I peeked in through the keyhole but all I could see was a television light. The TV sound was set to high and it was raining quite heavily at this point so any other sound would naturally get suppressed.
The suspense was killing me at this point. It was bad enough to think that my Math teacher was probably trying to penetrate my pretty mom but to think that I couldn't even watch him doing it was too much to handle.
I realized he had a balcony that could give me view of what was going on inside so I ran as fast as I could. As I reached the balcony, it was all wet from the ongoing rain. The window was shut with its curtains pulled however, the other end of the window had a little region where the curtain was stretched out giving me enough of a view.
I peeked in and what I saw took my breath away! Mom was in her panties while Rajesh in his underwear. He had her pinned to the wall with his hand locking hers. He was smooching all over her neck and chest. He then let go of her hands and grabbed both of her tities, massaging them while connecting his tongue with hers.
The light of the TV along with the flashes of lightning made it bright enough to give me a proper view. The balcony had no overhead protection so I watched them make love while I was getting soaked from the rain. I dropped my pants down and put my hand to work.
He then bent down on his knees and started kissing her thighs next, going all the way down to her ankles. He headed his mouth upwards and stopped at her inner thighs. This time he lay a few bites on her fleshy thighs and mom jerked her body upward in pleasure as she bit her lower lip while she put her hands on his head.
As I was trying to listen to her moans, he ripped her panty and planted his face between her legs. I could see my mom moving up & down in pleasure as he was eating her unshaved pussy. Her boobs along with her body were twerking up & down every time Rajesh's tongue made contact.
Once he was done tasting her, it was time to make her taste his. He took his underwear off and boy I was devastated to see his thick black 6 and a half inch cock! I could see the dread in mom's eyes but before she could say anything, Rajesh bent her down and started pushing his bulging black cock inside her mouth. He hadn't done any shaving down there but then again, neither had she.
Mom was struggling to breathe as he pushed his shaft bit by bit and after 3 minutes of struggle, he gave it a hard push and it was in! He was now fucking her mouth and after every 20 seconds, he would pull out to let her breathe.
What a sight it was, my beautiful mother blowing my prick of a teacher. It almost seemed like Rajesh was taking all his frustration out on my mommy. He hated me and now he's having his sweet revenge on my mother. If payback's a bitch then my mom was certainly his payback now.
After 15 minutes of blowjob, he pulled out, lifted her up and turned her around. He was now ready to take her ass. He pushed his shaft inside her ass crack and started squeezing her boobs with both hands from the rear. Once again, mom was in agony and I could see it in her face. Her crack wasn't big enough but Rajesh wasn't fooling around. One little push after another as he kept hammering her and now he was ass fucking her while massaging her breasts and kissing her nape simultaneously.
Rajesh kept this up for another 10 minutes after which he pulled his dick out and positioned it between her thighs. This was the first time I had seen this kind of a fuck. He grabbed her neck with his right hand and her navel with his left and started to piston his shaft in and out between her thighs.
I had never seen a thigh fuck before and was watching them in awe. After another 10 minutes of fucking her thigs from the rear, he turned her around and continued the session from the front. He would kiss her lips while fucking her thighs from the front and I could see their body rocking forward and backwards as he rammed his body onto her.
I was worried as his cock would sometimes touch her pussy while he fucked her thighs. Seeing how close his dick was to her opening, he could insert his dick inside her hole anytime and I wouldn't even know. After 20 minutes of this, with his hands on her back, he pulled her close to his body and let out a groan. He was cumming on the back of her thighs.
Seeing this I couldn't hold it any longer and fired mine on the wall. The rain had no effect on me at this point. I wished I too had a chick by my side, I mean my teacher was having his way with my mom and all I could do was jack off! I wanted to experience some of what was going on inside. They could have their fun while I would have mine.
Anyway, my math teacher was now ready to defile my mother. He took her in his arms and threw her on his bed. As he spread her legs and held his 6.5 inch cock near her love hole, she stopped him in his tracks. She wasn't letting him invade her without a condom!
"I'm not going to carry your semen back home with me! Besides, I don't want to run the risk of you impregnating me" she said. Rajesh wasn't too pleased to hear this as he replied "come on now, don't give me that crap! I've fucked you from every angle you slut. I've defiled the entirety of your body and now you're telling me that I can't cum inside you? You should have protested right when I touched you the first time and yet you let me seduce you like a little bitch!"
As I mentioned earlier, I was ready to intervene the moment he would enter my mommy but I was too curious to see what she does at this point. Would she let this stranger enter her or would she deny him entry? After all that he's done to me, how could I award his penis with my mom's vagina? I knew I had to stop him but my dick was telling me otherwise.
Driven by an insatiable drive of humiliation, anticipation & ecstasy, I came to terms with the situation reassuring myself that I would only intervene if he decides to penetrate her without a condom. I hated to admit it but I simply wanted to see his cock mate her pussy now. I wanted to see them finish what they started.
"Unless you use a condom, I'm not letting you enter! I don't have any plans on having a baby with you!" she said. "Like mother, like son. Fine!" Rajesh sighed as he put on a condom and readied himself for the invasion.
The time had come and as fate would have it, I was its witness. All of his advances have been for this moment. I held my breath for a moment and prepared myself to watch my mature teacher have vaginal sex with my mature mom!
Then it began! He started teasing her as he rubbed the tip of his cock on my mom's pussy. After teasing her a couple of times, he started pushing it in! Mom immediately let out a moan. "'re so much bigger..ohhhhhhhh...feels sooo fucking good! Fuck me harder you bastard! I wanna feel what's it like to be taken by a different be cheating on my man!"
Her comments were driving me crazy! She was moaning and speaking like a wanton. Seeing her in this avatar I fired my load on the wall and yet my dick was still erect! This was by far the best porn I had ever seen in my life!
Rajesh was pounding her like a bull. With his 6 and a half inch cock ramming her cunt and retracting. He too started talking dirty saying "The day I laid my eyes on your body for the first time, I knew I had to mate you! Ever since that day, I've been thinking of ways how I could get your son to bring you to me."
"I had a feeling you needed a proper man to quench your thirst and boy was I right. Seducing you was too easy! I couldn't have fucked a milf as easy as you." He added. Mom was surprised, she asked "Have you fucked other parents?!"
"Haah! You're my 4th bitch. I'm not as young anymore so I can't get younger women these days. However, my interests have now shifted to milfs. Whenever I see a kid with a sexy mom, I start thinking of ways to take her to bed, as I'm doing with you darling." Saying this he started humping her even harder.
I had no idea that Rajesh was such a Motherfucker! To think that my mother wasn't his first victim and that he had already fucked 3 other moms before, it just blew my mind. I was wondering if any of my friends' moms were used by Rajesh and if any of their sons watched him screw their mommy like I just did. Did any of them try to intervene or did they simply stood by to watch him dominate?
As I kept imagining the scenarios in my mind, Rajesh kept pounding her harder and harder. And then all hell broke lose as I saw him do the unthinkable. First, he locked his lips with her and kept her occupied. As his pace increased once more, so too did their moans. "Ummm....uffff..." mom moaned while kissing Rajesh.
But this time, before thrusting his dick back inside, he took a moment to pull out the condom and rammed her hard! Mom wasn't aware of his actions and had no idea that she was being penetrated without a condom now.
I wanted to stop him but my body had frozen as I watched him bang her with all his might. All this time I've been thinking of ways how I would stop him if he were to fuck her without a condom but now that he was nailing her without one, all I could do was watch as I just couldn't bring myself to interrupt him now even if it ends with him finishing inside her.
As I was contemplating of my next move, he let out a huge groan and I realized what he had just done. He held her from the back and pulled her towards himself, I could see her breasts pressing up against his chest. He hugged her as tight as he could while their tongues battled for supremacy. I knew he had filled her up with his hot cum!
I let out a huge load myself as I watched him inject his sperms inside her vagina. I had been giving myself excuses when I should've stopped him from taking my mommy. Instead all I did was watch when I knew I should've stopped him but deep inside I wanted to watch him claim his prize which in this case was my dear mother and claimed her he had.
"What?! What's this feeling? Did you just cum inside me?" she asked. Without answering, he slid his shaft out of her hole and I could see his cum oozing out of her. He got on top of her, positioned his dick between her tits and had her give him a boobjob next.
Grabbing both of her tities with his hands, he squeezed them towards his dick and within a few minutes, his dick was erect again and its head was touching mom's chin. Sometimes he would pinch her nipples which got her to moan in delight. While he was fucking her breasts, I could see her clit spreading & contracting having been freshly fucked by his cock and covered in his cum.
After a good 10 minutes of breast fucking, he again let out a groan and ejaculated on my mom's face, her boobs and her navel. How could he have cummed so much on her body right after he finished inside of her I asked myself. Her entire top side was dripping with his white hot sperm! He then ordered her to clean his dick as he pushed it inside her mouth.
She obliged by licking his genes off his shaft and then he moved off of her. He walked towards the washroom as my helpless mother laid on his bed in fatigue. Her fingers reached her clit and she realized what he had done to her. For all I knew, my math teacher might have impregnated my mommy. I could see thick semen dripping off of her navel, her breasts and her face. It was both disgusting and sexy at the same time.
Rajesh stepped out of the washroom and told her to clean herself. She got off his bed and walked to the washroom shutting the door behind her. As Rajesh was dressing up, he caught me by surprise saying "Thanks kid! I hope I've given you a show to remember. If it weren't for you, I would've never got a chance to fuck that sexy mom of yours. You've been a good kid tonight and I'll keep that in mind every time I see you in school."
He smiled and walked away unlocking the door and heading outside. I was dumbstruck! He knew I was watching them the entire time! I was speechless! I was so into the action that I hadn't realized it had stopped raining. I pulled my pant up and walked towards the room with the couch.
I saw Rajesh sitting on the couch. He looked at me and said "Ohh you're all wet! So the rain couldn't keep you away huh? Go in my room and find something that fits you" he said with a laugh.
As I headed towards his room, he stopped me saying "your mom and I had a great time tonight. Maybe you had a great time too? So listen, it gets lonely sometimes and I need a woman, a mature milf just like your mother. You bring her to me every now and then and I'll give you whatever numbers you desire. You scratch my back and I'll scratch your mom's. You know what I mean? Now go!"
Without uttering a word I went inside and found something I could wear. The room was filled with the stench of his sperm and I wondered what my mom's gonna smell like! Having changed, I headed back to the couch and took a seat.
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After a few minutes, my mommy finally stepped out of his room and took a seat next to Rajesh. I asked her "Well? What took you so long? I've been waiting for an eternity!" She replied with "I'm sorry dear, your teacher and I were discussing about a lot of things and he had something he wanted to show me so it took a while."

"So did you see what he had to show you?" I asked. "Yes of course I did! It was quite uhh..interesting actually" she added. "Your mother and I have exchanged ideas. She has shown me everything and I have shown her everything we had on you. Trust me, I've left a mark on her, one she'll never forget" Rajesh commented with a smirk on his face.
"What mark mommy?" I asked my mother, to which she replied "Ohh dear it's nothing don't bother." Rajesh quickly exclaimed "I inserted my ideas inside of her and filled her with the warmth of my brilliance!" I acted as if I didn't know what he was talking about.
Mom uncomfortably lept into action and told me to pack up and headed for the door. As I was packing up, Rajesh rushed towards the door and went outside after her closing the door behind him. I packed my books as fast as I could and moved to the door barely opening it and peeked outside.
He had my mom pinned to the wall and was seducing her. His left hand was squeezing her belly while his right hand was massaging her boobs mercilessly. He was licking and biting all over her neck and chin as he whispered "I love you darling! You're the perfect woman I've ever fucked in my life and I need more of you. Please visit me again later sometime baby."
After 2 minutes of smooching, mom finally pushed him off quietly saying "How could you have fired your semen inside me? What if I'm pregnant now? I told you to use a condom!" He didn't answer. As I stepped out, they distanced themselves from each other. I asked her if something's wrong and she told me it was nothing as we walked out.
By the time we reached our house, it was 10:15 pm. Dad seemed worried but mom told him it was all good. All three of us had out dinner and I went to my room. WTF had I witnessed that night I still couldn't believe it! My entire night was spent having flashback of the erotic scenes of my Math teacher screwing my mother in his bed. I jacked off another 2 times thinking about them making love while I helplessly watched him do her in.
I went to school the next day and it was as if my world had changed. From being the worst teacher to being the best teacher in school, I was overwhelmed by this change. My grades started improving and I no longer had a subject I was weak in anymore. After 3 weeks, Rajesh came to me during a lunch and said "hey kid, I'm hungry for some flesh, your hot mommy's flesh!". He said that and left.
Later that night, I realized that if I needed to keep my good grades up and running, I'd have to give him what he wants. At the same time, it also came to me that I too was hungry for more and I wanted to see them go at it again.
It was time to set them up once more!
[+] 7 users Like Zigspr's post
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Great start
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Hello hi g on priority.
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I wont exaggerate. This is one of very few hottest cuck son plot I have read recently.

Its not a brainless fuck story and oh author...please continue it as sensual, erotic and adulterous adventure.

Waiting to read much more from you.
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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Bro wonderful
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(21-12-2022, 05:35 PM)vault Wrote: Great start

(21-12-2022, 06:38 PM)abcturbine Wrote: Amazing.....

(22-12-2022, 11:44 PM)Krishna11 Wrote: Super

(23-12-2022, 01:29 AM)Khushboo_36 Wrote: Hello hi g on priority.

(29-12-2022, 08:58 AM)garamrohan Wrote: I wont exaggerate. This is one of very few hottest cuck son plot I have read recently.

Its not a brainless fuck story and oh author...please continue it as sensual, erotic and adulterous adventure.

Waiting to read much more from you.

(29-12-2022, 05:58 PM)Eswar P Wrote: Bro wonderful

Thank you all.
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…. … …
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(31-12-2022, 10:59 PM)Anon12 Wrote: One of the best cuck son stories I’ve ever read, including literotica. Hope we get more similar themed stories from the writer. The intricate details of mom being with another guy is mind blowing.

Exactly friend Anon,

I mean that intimacy between mom and the teacher is painted so finely.. I was blown while reading.

Too many praised to author and please post next update soon.
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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Waiting for more....
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(31-12-2022, 10:59 PM)Anon12 Wrote: One of the best cuck son stories I’ve ever read, including literotica. Hope we get more similar themed stories from the writer. The intricate details of mom being with another guy is mind blowing.

(31-12-2022, 11:22 PM)garamrohan Wrote: Exactly friend Anon,

I mean that intimacy between mom and the teacher is painted so finely.. I was blown while reading.

Too many praised to author and please post next update soon.

(03-01-2023, 04:39 PM)abcturbine Wrote: Waiting for more....

Thank you for reply!!!
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Fantastic story, wish the dad too become part of it.
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super super super! such a mindblowing cuckson story! please do keep writing,
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Please post sequel to this story. Please give any update on this story's sequel zigspr.
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The rest of the week things were pretty good between mom and I. On Thursday we decided we decided to go to the local library since my mother was a average reader. The library was surprisingly big for our town. It had three levels at least. I usually focused on non-fiction which was on level one, while mom was usually up on the third floor looking for fictional mystery novels.

As I was getting settled in I happened to catch a familiar figure walk into the library. Rajesh was wondering around the library clearly looking for something. After a while he headedTowards the elevators. Obviously this piqued my interest. There was a 50/50 chance that he was going to the third floor I thought. Sure enough as I watched the number counter it stopped at 3.

I quickly jumped up and headed over to the elevator bank. I hit the call button before realizing that the loud "ding" was going to tip off my arrival if I used the elevator. Better to take the stairs I thought. As I climbed up to the third floor I felt relief when I saw that the door to the stairs was propped wide open. I was going to be able to sneak in at least without alerting anyone to my presence.The third floor is arranged with the book stacks closest to the interior wall with a long row of cubicle like desks facing the books. Behind the desks is floor to ceiling glass windows. The important part is that the desks started right near the stairwell so I could duck behind them in order to sneak further into the stacks.

In truth I felt silly. I mean we were in a public library after all and it's not like any of this was preplanned or was it planned between mom and Rajesh.  I was immensely curious about what may or may not happen.
I spotted them in a pretty secluded area. I could see that they were facing each other having a whispered conversation. My mom was clearly shaking her head no, but would then look around as if she was searching for someone.
As she was shaking her no for what seemed like the tenth time, rajesh reached out and squeezed her tit right through her salwar kameez dress. It wasn't rough, but was definitely with purpose. As he was caressing her breast he was using his thumb to stroke her nipple. Mom  seemed to be stuck in a trance. She wasn't stopping him, instead was just staring at him. After a minute of this I saw her mouth slightly open and slight moan come from her mouth. He was winning her over. With his other hand I saw him reach down to pull the bottom of her dress up. She grabbed at his wrist, but he said something that made her let go. Once his hand was under her dress it looked like he was rubbing her pussy through her panties. This brought another illicit sound from my innocent Mom. I wanted to stop it, to go rescue her, but it didn't look like that's what she wanted. I even saw her adjust her stance to open her legs wider. 
He stopped all of his movements as I saw him whisper something in her ear. She shook her head no again, which I was kind of proud of. To my astonishment he began to walk away. Before he could get too far I heard her loudly whisper, "ok, I'll do it." He turned around with an expectant look, but didn't come back.
Mom gave one more quick look around before she removed her dress and pulled off her panties. As if that wasn't enough, she walked over to him placing the plain pink panties in his open hand. I could not believe my eyes.  My mom was behaving like a woman in some steamy Cinemax soft core porn movie and I was enjoying every second of it.
I heard him say something that ended with what sounded like ladder. Sure enough mom started walking towards me, which freaked me out a little, before I realized she was grabbing the sliding ladder attached to the stack of books. She pushed it down the aisle until it was near Rajesh who then pointed up at it. My mom climbed up about three rungs before I heard him say for her to stick her ass out as she held on to the rungs. Now she was standing with her ass sticking out as Rajesh stepped forward, lifted her salwar up, before dropping it back down again over his head. I couldn't exactly see what he was doing, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. He was licking my mom’s pussy again.
Mom hands began to grip the ladder as I saw her breathing increase. I could hear soft mewing sounds from where I was. At first they were pretty quiet, subtle even. Soon I noticed a rhythm developing as her sounds of pleasure were getting louder. Eventually I saw her spread her legs as far apart as the ladder would allow. She reached back with one hand gripping Rajesh’s head, forcing it into her more. She was really grinding against him from my vantage point. My mom’s whimpers and moans were growing a bit concerning for me as it they were not as subtle now. I was a bit worried someone would hear them if they came up to the floor. Right as I thought she was about to come he stopped. He knew how to play my mom.
I could see the let down in her eyes. She was right on the precipice, I can't believe he didn't let her finish. Instead of disappointment though, Mom’s eyes were lit up in a fit of lust. She dropped to her knees without any provocation. She unzipped his pants and fished out that thick cock of his. It looked to be in a semi hard state. The head half poking out of his foreskin, waiting to be finished off. My mom started kissing his cock all up and down the shaft, pausing at the head. Next she began running her tongue around the inside of his foreskin on the head. Rajesh really seemed to enjoy that. His meat quickly began growing to its true formidable size. Once it was rock hard Mom lifted the shaft to get at his abnormally large balls. She sucked each one into her mouth as she held the heavy shaft out of the way.
This didn't last very long. Rajesh soon pulled away from my beautiful Mom leaving his thick phallus sticking straight out from under his  belly. He spun my mom around to face the ladder once again. He lifted one of her legs up to the first step leaving her in a very exposed doggy style pose. Rajesh then pulled her salwar up, bunching it on the small of her back. From my view I could she her beautiful  ass and her now dripping wet pussy. I could see the visible moisture in a string of nectar hanging down from her sex. I didn't take long for him to take advantage.

He nested his fat  head right into the drooling slit of my now not so innocent mom. He began to run the head up and down her lips to get his crown nice and slick I suppose. He paused briefly after doing so and then with a very slow push began to enter mom’s most prized possession. I think it took a full minute to push all nine inches into her. My mom’s eyes were rolled back in her head, mouth hanging open as this  putz stuffed his oversized cock into her. It felt just as long as he reversed course. It was so obscene and fucking hot. His cock was completely covered in my mom’s pussy juice. I've guess she never been so wet.

When I thought he was going to slowly enter her again, he changed tact. He held the head just inside of her and then slammed the whole thing back inside. My mom moaned out in ecstasy. I think she may have had a little orgasm in that moment. This started a trend where he would slide his fat log out slowly and then slam it back in. Each time his huge balls would swing in, bashing her clit. I couldn't look away. In fact I was harder than I had every been. I was afraid to touch myself because I was sure I would cum immediately. Rajesh soon picked up the pace and was fucking mom full force. My mom was alternating between "OH GOD" and "Fuck Yes" at this point. Both phrases I have never heard he say. I knew she was building to something big as the words became faster together but more strained. On each stroke I could see the sheen of wetness from her pussy on his cock. Rajesh in a fit of lust sent her over the edge by smacking her ass. "Ohhhh Fuckkk," Mom screamed much louder than she should have. On the next smack he massaged her ass cheek after. On the third one mom lost it. She began to cum so hard I was afraid she was going to forget breathing.

For his part Rajesh sped up too announcing that he too was about to cum. This set off another round for mom as I no doubt imagine she could feel the hot torrent of semen invading her unprotected pussy. Rajesh made a few long held thrusts and then after holding himself all the way to the balls for a minute they both began to come down from their sex high. Rajesh’s cock finally slipped out of mom’s pussy slapping against his leg as it did so. A stream of white cum began pouring out of my mom. I could see it puddling on the floor there was so much.

There certainly wasn't much fan fare after that Rajesh zipped up and headed out with only the briefest of good byes. He again slowly whispered something in her ear which she just nodded before he left. Mom looked around for her panties before realizing that she had surrendered them already, a bit like she surrendered herself I thought. She quickly put herself back together, which didn't really take much more than fixing her bra and straightening her dress. What really caught me off guard though was that she leaned back against the bookcase for a moment as a smile crept onto her face. This was something she wanted, enjoyed no less. Just as I was getting caught up in my thoughts, she grabbed her books and headed for the elevator. As fast I could crouch run I did until I got to the stairs which I sprinted down.
"Hey honey, ready to go? Why do you look so out of breath?", she said to me as she walked up. If I had not witnessed what just occurred I would have had no idea what happened. She looked and sounded completely normal, if not for a little happy glow. Then just like that, the day was back to normal. We checked out our books and headed home.

[+] 5 users Like Zigspr's post
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awesome update
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(26-02-2023, 08:49 PM)Deepak Sanjeev Wrote: Fantastic story, wish the dad too become part of it.

(27-02-2023, 08:34 AM)one_sick_puppy Wrote: super super super! such a mindblowing cuckson story! please do keep writing,

(01-05-2023, 02:22 PM)Punat1951 Wrote: Please post sequel to this story. Please give any update on this story's sequel zigspr.

(02-05-2023, 06:26 AM)xbiilove Wrote: awesome update

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