Adultery Yes You Belong To Me
This story will be based on how a wife has become the mistress for the Don
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I have been reading all kinds of stories and I am impressed by the content provided by a lot of intellectual writers. I am also aware of the reader expectations by now haha.. I will be writing this story of a wife who has become the keep for a local Leader. This is going to be a slow seduction story for readers, hood your pants up as it’s gonna take them off at some point! 

Without wasting a lot of time let’s begin with the story-

Bindu has been a good wife, a good mother of a young son and a good person by heart. She has been keeping her life style decent and up to the mark for society standards. She work as an admin in the university of delhi and working hard to bring bread on the table for her family as her husband is having a lot of financial difficulties to manage due to his lack of confidence at work and business both. Bindu has been keeping her toes up to accommodate all the financial needs to be able to run the house as per the expectations of her intelligent son who is very bright and handsome . 


[Image: 467475663_73078a3c-3fd1-44c3-b7f5-84af18a6ee53.jpg]
As always it was one shine morning in delhi, Bindu was still lazying in bed scrolling reels one after the other and her eyes caught a random reel for Viraj the minister of finance who was caught in some big scandal, there was a lot of trolling going on for Viraj and people were massively texting over his posts to have him resign from his current position. Being Bindu it was none of her business though but she kind of liked the minister’s personality and her curious mind made her google the name on the website to browse more pictures of the minister. She was astonished by his personality, broad chest, strong hands, tall and kind of dark with sharp features. It was not very long when she heard her husband calling her to make tea as he was getting late for an interview. Bindu crawled out the bed and got her pullover to cover her well maintained assets and walked to the kitchen. Her husband Vivek was getting ready and walked in the kitchen to greet his hot wife, 
V- good morning, how did you sleep?
B- good morning, I have slept ok, why? 
V- I saw you were checking your phone in the middle of the night, is there something going on?
B- naah.. I was just checking some new admissions coming in! Do you know who is this leader Viraj?
V- yeah he has done something fishy so people are trolling for him! Why do you ask?
B- I was scrolling the reels and saw one post, he is quite a man.. 
v- with a grin, what do you mean? 
B- he looks hot to me lol.. 
v- haha.. these leaders can be mysterious. What do you like about him? 
B- I didn’t say I like anything, I am just praising his personality. 
V- would you date him if he would ask!
B- silly question, here is your tea! I have to go get ready. 

Bindu walked to her sons room and gave him milk to get up and get ready for school. She jumped into shower and got ready in a blue saree today. He dressing sense was impeccable, the way how she wraps her saree below her navel makes many of the students drool for her deep navel and milky flesh. She tied her hair into a pony and applied light eyes makeup and lipstick. He brown hair was tossing on her white juicy back when she walks and the layers of her saree wrapped in her 36 butt was just lustful.. 

After dropping her son off to school, she reached her university and greeted her friend Anamika who was again very beautiful lady in her mid 40s. 

A- have you heard about this scandal for this financial leader 
B- I am amazed how everyone is talking in this city! My husband and then you! What’s the big deal, these scandals happen all the time 
A- yeah but the funny part is that this leader is supposed to be inaugurating our new library on the 15th, I am excited to see how this would turn out now.
B- what!!! Are you serious? The guy Viraj? 
A- yes 
B- wow.. I have been day dreaming since I watch him on reel! Sounds like the destiny is planned for me lol
A- what destiny! 
B- I really wish to greet this leader and see him in person!!! 
A- are you serious? You might need a pinch to realise that you are married! Happily I suppose haha
B- not that happily, but I will manage haha
A- omg.. think we must get on a date night to understand what’s going on? 
B- look at my form boobs, can you imagine anyone ever touched them yet? 
A- binduuu.. I didn’t know this side of you.. what’s wrong? It’s exciting though.. 
B- being the hod of chemistry can you introduce me with this leader on the 15th? Haha
A- let’s see, I am not sure.. 
B- ok.. try it hahah

Day passed and Bindu volunteered here self to be the arrange staff for the leaders visit in the university on the 15th.. she has participated in serving the ice creams on one of the food counter at the event. She was really happy and excited to meet this dream guy with an amazing personality and wondering if he would really notice her or maybe he has a lot of fans being this powerful and dashing.
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Interesting plot. Best of luck
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Great start, hope she will have great fun and leave the husband and child to settle with minister.
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Good start
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Great start
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It has been the excitement all week in Bindus heart, she has been planning for June 15th, she has been dreaming the reactions when she would finally meet her eyes with the leader, among all the things she was planning to do there was 2 major things she wanted to accomplish- parlour and designer saree. 
Finally on June 14th she finished all her homely chores and she headed to the parlour, she has done her hair, her manicure, pedicure and the waxing! After the waxing she requested the girl to body polish her back and arms as that’s the two portions she was planning on showing off to the leader. 

After she was done with the parlour, she drove to the designer to rent a saree for this occasion. 

At the designer, Akhil was glad to her back, she was looking excited and happy so Akhil the designer was happy to serve her the best. 
A- hey good to see you Bindu, looking good, what’s going on!?
B- good, how are you? I am looking to dress for an occasion, really need some good deal in my budget.
A- I can sense that much, what’s the occasion.
B- I have an even at the university and I want to really look outstanding 
A- ahaan.. ok so let me get you something
B- excited 
A- here you go darling, this is a best article I imagine would fit your even and you will glow extra ordinary. 

Akhil showed her an off white saree which was little shiny and not too shiny, with backless blouse and silhouette from the bottom to show her 10% of her calf’s. 

B- omg Akhil this must be super expensive though
A- darling, it is a expensive but I have a deal for you, if you would take pictures with me for my new catalog I will let you wear this and 10 other articles for free. 
B- blushing. Are you sure? 
A- absolutely ? 
B- deal! 
A- deal! 

Bindu walked out with so much happiness as all her plans executed as expected. She reached home and was giggling within herself and Vivek looked at her from the corner of his eye and watched that she was excited. He was happy to her like that, considering they didn’t have any charm left in bed he was finding himself as the reason for it. He was happy that Bindu can still find out ways to feel this enlightened. 

With all the thoughts he asked Bindu with a smile

V- what’s going on? You look fresh.
B- we have an event tomorrow at the university.
V- cool, anything special? 
B- nothing like that, I have got some special role to play so I am excited. (Hid the main reason)
V- wow! Lucky you. Are the families invited too!? 
B- unfortunately no! I will share the pictures with you later. 
V- ok. Have fun dear. 
B- thanks. I will be busy so please take care of Adi (their 4 years old son? 
V- sure. Don’t worry about that. 
B- happy, relieved. 

Finally she came to her room, watching her saree again and was looking at the screenshot of Virajs picture she too from the reels. 
After the long day she planned on taking a bath rather than the shower and just laid in for an hour with some candles and a glass of wine! She was day dreaming all the activities she would do with Leader. She was even keeping her options open for getting ignored as there are high chances leader would have a lot of security and she won’t be able to meet him at all. Or any xyz reason.. she didn’t want to have her heart cracked so she was thing ahead for all possibilities. 

After the bath, she took the quick shower and went to bed early to have her beauty sleep in. Exciting day ahead for the readers ?
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Finally the wife is ready to go to the event! Her body was decently exposed and she was ready to rock at the end vent today. In her mind every makeup was done considering the leader in mind. She was only hoping that she would get a chance to be with him for a little to express how excited she was to finally greet him. 
The moment Bindu reached at the event everyone was looking at her with their jaws dropped. Including her friends and everyone was praising her. Bindis back was so much exposed that the guys at the event getting the hrd on. She was literally bombing with her looks today.
Bindu was getting shy with all the compliments she was getting. After a while she has started to make over for her ice cream stall at the food court. She was not interested anyone else to come to the counter other than the leader.
All of a sudden she got tapped from the back, it was Anamika, she was amused to see how gorgeous Bindu was looking, 
A- what the fuck! Are you gonna take hearts or dicks today haha
B- blushing
A- what’s the plan bebo, I don’t think leader will be interested in cutting any other ribbons other than yours hahah
B- shut up.. I am not an easy nut to crack.. 
A- if I was a boy I would crack your nut today for sure haha 
B- chal pagal.. you are saying just whatever 
A- you fucking killed it, wanna go out for a quick smoke break? 
B- let’s go

They went out at the corridor for their favourite pass time to smoke a menthol cigarette, while smoking they were discussing how they must plan to attract the leader to her counter. 
A- so what’s the plan
B- I don’t have a plan
A- I will make sure that I bring the leader at your counter 
B- blushing
A- you be sure you are ready with your best blueberry ? punch 
B- why bb
A- I read in one of his interviews he loves that flavour the best
B- ahaan
A- take it easy though, these men are all same! 
B- obviously, I wouldn’t let him just do whatever, if he needs to crack it he must win it 
A- such a slut you are! Hahah
B- can I smoke another cigarette, I am too nervous 
A- go for it! Leader smokes too so that’s a plus
B- I love men who smokes
A- would you like if he smokes on your face
B- who?
A- leader
B- fuck that not today! Eventually I don’t mind
A- I guessed that, god knows what all would he do to you! 
B- I wish he just loot me with my everything.
A- really! Would you share him just in case! 
B- only if you promise to lick his arse clean before he force me to hahahahah
Just kidding
A- I don’t think you were kidding, you are one horny slut
B- you know nothing hehe

They rushed to the food court as it was almost the the time for the party leaders to come for buffet.
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As the crowd was moving towards the food court, Bindus heart was getting heavier, she was feeling nervous and excited both, her mixed feelings make her face turn red. And there you go, it was the first time she glanced at the man she was dreaming from 9 days. He was better than what she was expecting, tall little darker, sharp features and bald. Usually it don’t suits everyone to look good with the bald look but this guys was handsome! She turned all red when she looked at him and somehow their eyes caught and locked a second maybe as she was looking out of the crowd. Viraj couldn’t miss to not notice her with her sexy looks in that offwhite saree. He was going to eat the other dishes before he would jump to the ice cream but seeing her all blushing and smoky he decided to go check that ice cream corner first. 
Viraj- you got anything exciting here? 
Bindu- excuse me. She was dumbstruck 
V- aren’t you the one helping us with the ice creams?
B- didn’t say nothing. Was standing as if it’s a dream
V- hello! Miss, are you ok? 
B- oh hello, yes yes, I hat do you want? 
V- What you got? 
B- you can see through the glass

There was nothing going as planned, Bindu was nervous and was not able to understand how she must react. How to be normal. 

V- smiled, offer me something which is your favourite?

Other leaders arrived at the ice cream corner too, sir are you not hungry for the main course before we get to the ivrecreams.. they were obviously curious of the leader is happy with all the arrangements .

V- yeah don’t worry I am ok, you guys have fun eating. 

Bindu heard the mumbling, she didn’t really hear anything, she was only focusing on Vira, about his charm, his looks, he was smelling too good.
The moment all the other party members went away for the main course, Viraj told Bindu to make one blueberry ice cream cone.

He was smiling and staring at her beauty all the time she was preparing the coke for him, as soon the the cone was ready he extended his hands to get the cone, while taking the cone over their fingers touched each other, it was the first contact they made. Bindu smiled and fixed her hair in which he milky armpits was at full bloom to the leader, he didn’t miss any opportunity to stare at her armpits and fantasised what not! She noticed his glare and fixed her arms quick being embarrassed. He smiled and started licking on his cone! 

Bindu- aren’t you hungry for food Viraj Ji? 
V- I am not sure anymore. Are you hungry? 
B- I am a little bit we are instructed to eat after the party staff leave the area. 
V- well let’s do one thing, consider you are with me now and we shall begin to eat something good 
B- blushed? No.. people would notice that, I won’t make a scene at my work place
V- have you ever considered to change your work?
B- what do you mean? 
V- I have a few opening at the party, would you like to look for one? Are you good at giving the speech? 
B- laughing, no! I am not sure about that 
V- I want some intellectual and smart people to join me at the stages, my team is good but we are still missing the charm 
B- blushing 
V- I feel that you will get the charm for us for sure
B- I will think about that, 
V- here is my card, it has my personal number, you must let me know your decision, there is no force
B- why are you picking me? 
V- to be honest I am not sure, maybe you give me very strong vibes. 
B- do you build your party like this? Hehe
V- trust me I don’t with a smile 

Ok I trust you. And they ended the interaction for there. bindi was smiling and felling that she has accomplished for what she was expecting. It was not any offer she was looking for but the offer of friendship, the offer of more greetings. 

Bindu was lost in her thoughts and happy - 
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Simply awesome man.
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Wonderful update and hot pics. Will the politician plan and kill the husband and child like accident and take bindu permanently.?
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good start  clps
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romantic update
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?super bro
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Update bro
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